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- We at Aarya Coins and Collectibles give utmost importance to the privacy and protection of our client’s personal data. We at Aarya Coins and Collectibles have administrative protocols in place to ensure that your personal information when communicating with us and using our services, is safe and secure. However, we cannot guarantee that such data will not be susceptible to external malicious events like hacks and security breaches.
- Aarya Coins and Collectibles collects, records, stores and uses your personal data only to enable you to consign or purchase property or services and to advise you of forthcoming sales, events and services.
- We will not share your Personal Data with anyone outside the Aarya Coins and Collectibles group.
- We have in place administrative measures to ensure that access to your information is limited to our employees and agents only and to the extent necessary for them to perform their functions.
- E-mail fraud is a common tool of identity thieves so we urge you to note that Aarya Coins and Collectibles never sends e-mails asking you to reply with your account or other personal information. However, Aarya Coins and Collectibles cannot be held responsible for external phishing scams or the user scams reaction to such attempts.
- The content of the Web Site extends to a wide range of art and antiquities, which is generally uncensored, if you find any type of content offensive, you should not use the Web Site.
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- Aarya Coins and Collectibles authorizes you to view and download a single copy of the material solely for your personal, non-commercial use, or in the case of dealers, to display to your clients solely for purposes of facilitating a transaction with Aarya Coins and Collectibles. Any violation of this term will invite punitive action including but not limited to civil and or criminal proceedings against the violators.
- All rights in and to the Material not expressly granted to you are reserved. Neither the availability of, nor anything contained within the Web Site shall be construed as conferring any license under any of Aarya Coins and Collectibles or any third party’s intellectual property rights, other or further than as expressly provided in the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, whether by implication or otherwise.
- Unauthorized use of the Material is a violation of copyright, trademark, and other laws. You may not sell, prepare derivative works based on or modify the Material (including, without limitation, preparation of summaries of the Material or “thumbnails” of any images therein), or reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the Material in any way for any public or commercial purpose. The use of the Material or any portion thereof on any other web site, or in any publication, database, catalogue or compilation, or in a networked computer environment for any purpose other than personal browsing of the Web Site without the express prior written permission of Aarya Coins and Collectibles is strictly prohibited.
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- The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Web Site are owned by Aarya Coins and Collectibles or third parties. You are prohibited from using the Marks without the express, prior written permission of Aarya Coins and Collectibles or such third party. If you would like information about obtaining our permission to use the Material on your web site, please email
- Aarya Coins and Collectibles reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time, and we will post the revised version on this Site. Changes in the Terms and Conditions will be effective when posted. Your continued use of the Site and/or the services offered on or through the Site after any changes to the Terms and Conditions are posted will be considered acceptance of those changes.
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- The Auctioneer reserves the right to ask for a deposit amount that he sees fit, that is fully refundable if the Bidder is not successful in his bid or bids as the case may be. In the event that such a deposit is not paid in time the auctioneer is free to cancel any or all of the Bidders bids at his discretion. In the event the Bidder is successful the said deposit amount will be adjusted against his outstanding but no goods will be parted till the entire amount outstanding is cleared in a timely manner subject to the terms and conditions listed herein.